Saturday, October 4, 2008

Had my longest run of my training session last night for 8 miles. It went better than I thought it would. The weather was perfect. There was a cool breeze and it felt so good. I love running late at night. I am just not a morning person and I seem to do better running at night. I was feeling under the weather last night. I felt like I was getting a sinus cold. Running seems to help clean out my system. I always feel better afterwards when I am feeling sick and I have a good run. The half-marathon is three weeks away. It felt good to run that far and not struggle a couple of weeks before the race. Hopefully, I can stay healthy during flag football. I am excited about running this race with my dad. He has some eye surgery yesterday and can't run for a week. I know that will set him back some, but he will be ready for the race. I hope his knees hold up so he can run the Miami Marathon with me in January. We will see how things go in Boston Georgie in three weeks. I am glad that I ran the long run last night. Now I have a short 3 mile run today and I can get ready for the FSU - Miami game today at 3:30. Go Noles!

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